[reading]  'Murmurs Archives and Moves – Element of Water', Fazenda, London – 23 May 2024
[duo/performance]  with Ute Kanngießer, Muse Gallery, London  – 15 February 2024
[residency]  with Astrid Sweeney, Amerikaans Theater, Brussels, Belgium  – 14-17 January 2024
[residency]  Artist in Residence, Submit to Love Studios, Headway East London  – November 2023 - February 2024
[group exhibition]  Worms Love Waste, Waste Store London, UK – 20-23rd July 2023
[radio]  'Blue Monday' Duo with Ute Kanngiesser, Resonance 104.4 FM – 24 January + 26 January 2023
[reading]  with quartet Caroline Kraabel, John Edwards, Sofia Vasmann, Rowland Surtherland, Boat-Ting, London – 5 December 2022
[screening]  'Soft Rio' – Official Selection, Marseilles Underground Film & Music Festival (MUFF) 4th edition, Videodrome 2, Marseilles, France – 21 November 2021
[video]  'On&On' – with Billy Steiger, for On & On by Daniel Blumberg  (Qu Junktions, 2021)
[essay]  "Diving Future Movements: Where Do We Go From Here?", Dance Office, Flash Art – October 2020
[residency] Pavilion Dance, Bournemouth - 2019